About us
The Jewish cemetery as the most significant part of the Jewish religious community Namestovo disappeared in 1953, when the cemetery was flooded by the waters of the Orava reservoir.
In 2012, a voluntary initiative was created by Ing. Karol Kurtulik, who together with the architects, Ing. arch. Danica Holla and Ing. arch. Lubomir Holly, prepared a concept of restoration with a hint of the original fencing and the construction of a memorial to the victims of the Holocaust. The initiative and the need not to forget those deceased citizens of the religious community Namestovo, led to the establishment of the Civic Association with a symbolic name "Remember".
Thanks to the great support of friends and supporters of this voluntary initiative, the cemetery was restored resembling its original fragments, which attracted many tourists from all over the world who visit this memorial every year.
Civic association “Remember”
Chairman: Ing. Karol Kurtulik
Nábrežie Oravskej priehrady, 029 01 Námestovo, Slovensko
Email: karol.kurtulik@gmail.com